board election information
The NLBA elections are now open from November 21, 2022 to November 27, 2022! Vote Here Now!
Below is a description of the positions:
President-Elect (1 position). The President-Elect is a three-year position beginning with assuming the duties of President-Elect, which is to serve as an officer of the LBA and perform such duties as the President and the Board may direct. The President-Elect shall succeed the President upon expiration of the President’s term of office, and such duties shall be of chief executive officer of the LBA, to preside over all meetings of the LBA and all meetings of the Board, and perform all duties incident to the office and consistent with the LBA Bylaws. Upon expiration of the Presidential term shall assume the duties of Immediate Past-President, which is to continue to serve as an officer of the LBA and perform such duties as the President and the Board may direct.
Vice President of Communication (1 position). The Vice President of Communication is a one year position with the duty to serve as the secretary of the LBA and shall prepare, publish and keep the minutes of all meetings and shall certify official copies of such minutes and the LBA Bylaws, shall send notice of all meetings of the Board or the membership, shall coordinate all press releases and other communications with the media, and shall perform such duties as the President and the Board may direct.
Vice President of Finance (1 position). The Vice President of Finance is a two year position with the duty to serve as the chief financial officer of the organization and shall collect dues from the members of the LBA; maintain a current and complete roster of the members; keep financial records of the LBA; collect, care for and upon approval of the President disburse all funds of the LBA; render quarterly and annual reports of the financial affairs and status of the LBA; receive, account for, disburse and report on all monies of the LBA; coordinate annual audits with the LBA’s accountants; file all tax returns; propose financial and economic policy for adoption by the Board and perform such duties as the President and the Board may direct.
Vice President of Membership (1 position). The Vice President of Membership is a one year position with the duty to implement programs to promote and increase the membership of the organization; plan professional development activities; enhance information and services to the members of the LBA; provide membership and professional development policy for adoption by the Board and perform such duties as the President and the Board may direct.
Vice President of Outreach (1 position). The Vice President of Outreach is a one year position with the duty to work to increase collegiality within LBA membership and promote outreach to LBA members. Such measures shall include planning and implementing social functions; designing welcoming activities to create mentoring opportunities for the newest members of the LBA; hosting networking events for members; strengthening relationships with local and specialty bar associations through programming collaboration; and working on increasing the visibility and presence of the LBA and its membership throughout the County.
Directors at Large (5 positions). The five Directors at Large are one year positions with the duty to serve to implement and promote activities of the LBA; propose policy for adoption by the Board and perform such duties as the President and the Board may direct. One Director at Large must reside outside of Clark County.